Author Archives: admin
Where is Moglander – Jan 12 2012
Well, After a quick trip to Italy to visit Allie and DJ Doc and Lynda and Lanky (My sisters and their better halves), We are on the road again. We went quickly through the south of France, and are now on the outskirts of Barcelona, in a truck stop to be precise. [google-map-v3 width=”350″ … Continue reading
Where is Moglander?
Well, the weather looks better, so we may be on our way soon. Josie and Stuart had no idea what they were taking on when we landed in! Still, as long as they keep cooking, we’re staying! This is where we are now… [google-map-v3 width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”ROADMAP” mapalign=”center” latitude=”52.3932″ longitude=”-6.46923″ showmarker=”true” animation=”DROP” maptypecontrol=”true” … Continue reading
Some updates for Moglander
4×4 camper preperation At this stage we are 1 month from setting off on our trip. We have been busy getting some work done to our truck, getting our paperwork in order, learning spanish at night (Hola!) and so on. I wanted to say a huge thanks to Dermot Gillespie from Gillespie Traillers for doing … Continue reading
Getting ready for life on the road, or in the desert, or in a forest…
On this trip, We plan to get a bit off the beaten path. In fact, if we see too much of that path we will be a little disappointed. A lot of the reason we are doing this is to see how other people live their lives, and hopefully to see it first hand and understand … Continue reading
So, How do you plan a trip like this – The Hubb
Well, You do your research. There are some superb sites with loads of information about travelling available on line. I started off looking at “The Hubb” which is mainly for Adventure Motorcyclists, but not exclusively. They have a good 4×4 section, and some brilliant travel planning, paperwork and related information. Their Forum is a collection … Continue reading
Jupiters Travellers
So, What’s a Jupiters traveller, and what does it mean to us? Well, Sarah and I have travelled enough to know that many “facts” that are well known about various places and peoples are not actually all that accurate. And that there is a lot more going on in the world than we ever get … Continue reading