So, If your wondering what an off road piste is like in Morocco, zoom in on this map and you’ll see our wanderings. You’ll also see 2 u-turns, one was a detour we did to see a dried up lake bed, and another was because one track was so bumpy we could only travel in 3rd gear at tickover, which in a mog is about 4kph!
This post is a bit of an experiment, we might try to do a few more like it if this works!
[google-map-v3 width=”800″ height=”625″ zoom=”5″ maptype=”HYBRID” mapalign=”center” latitude=”0″ longitude=”0″ kml=”” showmarker=”false” animation=”DROP” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” bubbleautopan=”false” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”]
Zoom in on the map, pan around, get a feel for it. The trail was about 160KM long, and we took 3 days to do it. We camped by pulling off the piste to somewhere quiet the first night, but the 2nd night we just parked one vehicle width off the track as we only met 2 other vehicles the whole 3 days! 2 of the quietest nights sleep our whole trip!
For anyone else doing this, we think we stayed too far north, we’ve since heard there is a more southerly route that is much smoother so you can travel quicker.
UPDATE: To see what the actual track looked like: