After seeing the Iguazu falls from the Argentinian side, we decided to go into Brazil for a few days to see it from that side, and also to help with a visa issue. Off we went to Iguazu Bikers Hostel.
When you arrive in Argentina, they give you a 90 day visa, valid from the day you arrive. Ours had started on the 12th of September when we arrived into Argentina, but that meant that as we travel down to the Southern extremes of Argentina, we would have to get there by the 12th of December when it would be still cold, and we would be early for our “Christmas in Ushuaia” idea. By crossing into Brazil for a few days, and then back to Argentina we got a new visa so our 90 days will now run until the 25th of December – perfect for what we want.
Once in Brazil, we needed somewhere to park. We tried at the local tourist office , but they could only suggest a regular (and expensive) camp site. I had been in touch with Rod from the horizons unlimited website “The Hubb” and he said he would sort out a place for us to park. He did this and more!
Rod met us on the road and brought us to the Iguazu Bikers Hostel, a new Hostel that is dedicated to overland travelers but specialising in bikers. Their email address is iguassutravellershostel(at) It’s run by Rod and Adriano, and they have a big secure yard where you can lock your bike, truck or 4×4. It’s not in the town centre so it’s quiet, but it’s still within walking distance from Supermarkets, Laundry, beer shops, restaurants, pizza take-away and a fuel station. So we settled in for a couple of days which ended up being 4 days!
We spent one day out at the Itaipu dam, which is a Hydro Electric Power station. This one power station provides most of Paraguays power, and a lot of Brazils. Each country owns half of it. The tours are for an hour, and we were disappointed that the giant spillway was dry – which meant no spectacular views for us, and no snazzy photos for you! 🙂
During one of our hikes (Stomps actually, as Sarah decided we would walk at full battle speed for at least an hour), we saw a fruit seller selling his wares from the back of his pickup. Trade was quiet, and he was relaxing in his hammock. I had hoped to get a picture of this, but as anyone approached, he hopped out of the hammock. When we tried to talk with him, he was convincing Sarah to buy a bag of oranges, and somehow that involved her falling into his hammock!
We ate out one night at a Rodizo restaurant, which is a way to get you to eat as much meat as you can and enjoy it! The waiters bring the meat to the table, and carve it onto your plate. Each waiter brings different meats, so you can sample quite a good selection.

After an hour or so, I had to throw in the towel and put up the red side of the card to make it all stop.
Back in the Hostel, we had a new guest turn up, Mika from the Hubb who we had also been in touch with. He arrived in time to help carry in a new couch for the Hostel.
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