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A tip from Alan, Zagora’s semi resident photographer

Posted by on February 10, 2012

We chose to camp in “Camping Oasis Palmier” in Zagora for our last nights with Claire and Robin before they headed for home. We made sure to have a proper Sunday dinner with them in moglander, Roast beef, Carrots, Spuds – the works! Just the way to finish up our amazing time with Froggie and his crew (sorry – in-joke).

Sunday Lunch

We had a real lazy day, after all it was Sunday, had coffee , followed by more coffee and breakfast outside our trucks with the sun beaming down on us, cool in the shade, so we kept moving the table and  following the sun. The biggest event of the day was walking into the town in the afternoon for a moroccain salad, late lunch, or early starter before our roast!

then,after they left we got a tip about a location, GPS co-ordinates only,   from a photographer called Alan, who was parked beside us in our campsite, drives a landrover 90, so had to be good, and off we went, and this is what we saw on our trip



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