Having wild camped we woke to find a light dusting of snow on the ground, with a little more on the mountains which we could see from our window. Merv managed to get out of bed in time for sunrise and this is what he shot, i had an extra ’10’ or so minutes in bed, and then up I got and put the kettle on for the morning coffee, oh it was cold outside, I knew this only by quickly opening the window!!!!!!!!!!!!, I shut it even quicker.
After breakfast of porridge and bannans off we went to the town , village really, of Sour where I did my shopping of eggs and bread. No problem buying bread, but had a problem remembering the french word for ‘eggs’, (oeuf) I had a blank, but I had an empty carton with me all the way from Tinahely as my Mum sells eggs, so I ran back to the MOG grabbed the carton and hey presto all smiles in the shop, eggs popped into carton for me, 60 cent for 2 loaves of bread and six eggs, not bad![[
Everybody was on the move, women going to work in the fields, men doing a spot of car pooling on there way to Gods know where.
We were roughly following a route by Chris Scott, MH6,and once the tarmac ended , we followed twisty roads, through several villages with grassy green terraces down below, and even my brother David would be impressed that not even an inch of ground was wasted. The irrigation system cleverly uses gravity and ancient water channels which have been built over the years.
When we got to Assarag we tried to drive up towards Lake Ifni, but the road got smaller and smaller until we could go no further by MOG, a few tight squeezes!
And if you want to see more of the route, including how narrow it is, take a look on youtube for the video, or click here to see it now.
Luckily we found a wide river bed we could turn in, and so we continued along the main route to Aoulouz, after driving through a few hairpin turns, and on then to Taliouine. We wanted to be in Taliouine by Sunday evening so as to make the Monday Souk, which is just like an Irish market/car boot sale. More on that soon, but here is a sample:
Well, this map shows where we are now. Until the next time!
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